I Saw a Rainbow at Watu Ondo

Watu Ondo main waterfall

The sky was so bright, as if it blessed us to go vacation. Iksan, Imey and I, we took our holiday. The destination was fixed. Mojokerto, East Java Province. There’s only two famous places at that regency: Trowulan or Pacet. Iksan had been at Trowulan, so we chose Pacet. Many interesting sites there, actually. Unfortunately, we visited only Watu Ondo waterfall due to limited time.

Watu Ondo, in Javanese term, means stone that forms stairway. Before the Malang-Mojokerto bridge was built, paths around the waterfall was a piled by stones, like stairs. That is way the natives called this place Watu Ondo.

Iksan got a showerEntering the waterfall location, we had to descend through for about 50 meters. It’s quiet near, but it’s not flat. Descending is easy, you just need to beware of slippery ground. The problem may come when you ascend. It requires a long breath. Huff! That’s what work out for.

Watu Ondo is not only about the 100 meters high waterfall. But also about the beauty of typically tropical rainforest’s wild flowers and fruits. There are wild strawberry and orchids grow on trees. Even Iksan saw some budheng (javanese monkey) taking their lunch with the wild fruits.

That rainbow

Finally, we reach the waterfall area in the valley. There are two waterfalls. And one of them was sparkled by a rainbow. I don’t know how a rainbow can show up like that. I just know, it made Watu Ondo more gorgeous.

  • Photos by Brahmanto Anindito

18 thoughts on “I Saw a Rainbow at Watu Ondo”

  1. L’arc en ciel. Je l’ai touché enfin!

    Di Watu Ondo, pelangi itu melengkung di sekitar jatuhnya air terjun. Kecil. Lokal. Seolah2 merupakan cabang dari pelangi besar yg biasa kita lihat di langit.

  2. Brahm, I love you full! Kalo mo bikin pelangi sih gampang. Semburin aja air dari mulut atau selang di bawah sinar matahari. Kalo beruntung, bisa dapt pelangi mini tuh. Asik…. Brahm abis jalan2 nih!

  3. Iya ya, air ketemu matahari bisa memunculkan pelangi. Dulu kelas SD-ku pernah diajari itu, meskipun aku nggak masuk hari itu, hehehe. Tp, sbg pengagum berat karya2 Tuhan, aku lbh suka pelangi yg natural dong.

    Dan sbg pengagum berat kekayaan ciptaan Tuhan pula, aku mengusahakan sebulan atau dua bulan sekali pergi keluar kotaku yg sumpek ini. *sambil ngelirik ke dompet yg semakin tipis*

  4. Iya Brahm dan rie, kalo beruntung…. Soalnya, bukan kita yang ngatur pembiasan cahayanya. BTW Brahm, jalan2nya jangan keseringan dong, kalo cuma ngabisin isi dompet. Ato jangan2 dompetnya makin tipis lantaran duitnya udah berubah jadi duit elektrik nih? Cieee….

    Oh ya, cowo yang berdiri di bawah air terjun itu Brahm ya? kalo cewe-nya siapa sih? rie?

  5. Lho, kan perginya nggak jauh2. Naik motor atau kendaraan umum jg nyampai. Kalau dulu sih masih sempat ke Padang, Kerinci, Batam. Sekarang? Yg logis2 ajalah, hehehe.

    Itu Iksan (aku kan nggak senarsis dan senekat itu). Dan yg cewek namanya Imey. Rie mah anak sekitaran Bandung. Eh, tp postur & rambutnya kok emang mirip ya? Deja vu, deja vu!


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