Ibarat dua sahabat yang saling memengaruhi, hubungan antara penulis dan pembaca juga mengalami pasang-surut. Tidak selalu mulus. Terkadang, mereka saling menghargai, bahu membahu menjaga api literasi agar tetap menyala. Namun, ada kalanya mereka saling mengkhianati.
In Kampung Inggris, Everybody is so Serious on English
Did you know, you can improve your English while go traveling. Just visit Pare. It is known as Kampung Inggris (English Village). At least, two of its villages, i.e. Tulungrejo and Pelem Village, are dominated by English learning activities.
Bloggers Gathering in Site of Batur Agung
Last month, The Bloggers Community of Banyumas held an event called Juguran Blogger Banyumas. “Juguran” is a Banyumasian term, means “gathering”. But the event was not same as with other blogger communities. They made it more interesting with a tour and IT workshop, in order to introduce the Banyumas’ villages through Internet.
FAQ (Frequently Accused-Questions) to Fiction Writers
Have you, as a fiction author, ever been asked by people pretended to know everything about work of writing and publishing? Were you boxed into a corner by those questions? I was. I have ever faced few “judges” like that. But I never give a damn, ha-ha. I have a list of what did my friends negatively say about work of fiction. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to translate those into English. But I bet you already knew things like: all fiction writers are liar, a words waster, ones who live in imagination without seeing the real world, blah. Insignificant accusations that can be easily countered.