Menerjemahkan teks tertulis ke bahasa lain jelas tidak mudah. Selain butuh pengetahuan tata bahasa dan kosakata, juga perlu pemahaman akan konteks di balik teks. Pekerjaan ini, jika diserahkan kepada profesional, akan memakan banyak biaya. Apalagi bila naskahnya panjang dan rumit, seperti novel atau buku teknis.
PEHASOMI! And Your Travel Article Becomes A Novel
How to turn a trip into a novel? The answer is, through PEHASOMI spell! What the hell is that? Just as simple as this: (P) Preview. Don’t come to a place without any plan. Browse everything first. (E) Evoke. Remember what you see, hear, smell and feel to enhance the descriptions inside your story. (H) …
3 Langkah Menulis Review Produk Amazon melalui Blog dan Raih Dolar
Anda yang sudah lama berkecimpung di dunia pemasaran internet (internet marketing) pasti tidak asing lagi dengan program Amazon Associate atau Amazon Affiliate. Melalui program ini, Anda membantu menjual produk-produk Setiap terjadi penjualan, Anda akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar 4-8% dari harga produk.
Contribute to Wikipedia, Anyone?
Setelah sering memanfaatkan Wikipedia, mari sesekali menyumbang artikel. Selain membiasakan menulis objektif, menjadi Wikipediawan sama dengan dermawan ilmu.
Writer v Instant Writing Software
It was stunning to watch presentation of an automated article wizard. It showed that such software can handle 90% of writing jobs. You will save a lot of energy and time since the software does online researching and also filter out the related details in seconds. Then you can pick the facts gathered, spin it, edit it, and voilà: a unique, new article!
How to Deal with Plagiarist in Cyber World
Let’s admit it, plagiarists are everywhere. Especially on Internet where Ctrl C and Ctrl V is a part of its practice. You may grateful when someone said your post is awesome and he then repost it on his own blog. But you know what, when he did that, your post and his are considered as copied content by duplication detector software.