Deadly Blades from Indonesia

Deadly Blades from Indonesia

Until today, some tribes in Indonesia use traditional weapons as tools for hunting, self-defensing, and attacking someone or something. Even more, some people who still believe in superstitious thinks that traditional weapons are surrounded by mystical power.

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Korpaskhas TNI AU, the Orange Beret

Get ready to infiltrate... go!
Get ready to infiltrate… go!

As we know, every component of military power has at least one special force. Speaking of which, this is Korpaskhasau (Korps Pasukan Khas TNI Angkatan Udara) or Air Force Special Forces Corps. Formerly known as Komando Pasukan Gerak Tjepat (Kopasgat), the corps has headquarters in Margahayu, Bandung. Like in Kopassus or Kopaska, each personnel of Paskhas must have para-command qualification.

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Kopaska: No Obstacle Cannot be Defeated

Kopaska: surveillance from the boatWhen you ask people about the name of Indonesian elite force, most likely the answer is Kopassus. That’s correct. But obviously, Kopassus is not the only special forces that Indonesia has. I bet you’ve heard about Kopaska too. If Kopassus is an Army, Korpaskhas is air force,  Kopaska or Komando Pasukan Katak (Frogmen Command) is a Navy. Precisely, it’s a tactical unit for underwater demolition.

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