Di livetweet Rahasia Sunyi beberapa hari lalu, ada pertanyaan dari @naui_sesang_ tentang kendala-kendala copywriting. Mungkin OOT, tetapi pertanyaannya menarik juga. Kita tahu, di era industri dan digital ini, penulis memang seharusnya tidak hanya berkutat pada novel atau skenario film. Mereka juga bisa menulis teks-teks untuk mendukung marketing, penjualan, atau promosi.
web & blog
Is Blog Still In?
This question came up my mind when I attended Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany, a week ago. One of the events there was BOBs (Best of Blogs) Awarding. Blog might be promising type of media in 2005-2009. But now, the quantity is declining since the netizen prefer social media as microphone for their inner voice. What a bitter fact.
Mari Berkontribusi di Wikipedia
“Mas Brahm,” seorang teman di Jakarta menelepon, “klienku butuh penulis Wikipedia. Cuma 1-2 artikel kok. Bisa kerjain?” Saya sejenak terdiam. Penulis Wikipedia? Hm, saya memang pernah mengedit beberapa artikel di Wikipedia. Namun, belum pernah menulis dari awal.
7 Free Tools of Google for Writers
You must have enjoyed some of Google’s products. Picasa, perhaps? Blogger? YouTube? Google Translate? Android OS? I myself use dozens of Google products in everyday life. For authors, there are seven tools that I recommend: Google Search, Google Docs, Keyword Tool, Google Alerts, Google News, Google Apps and Google+.
How to Deal with Plagiarist in Cyber World
Let’s admit it, plagiarists are everywhere. Especially on Internet where Ctrl C and Ctrl V is a part of its practice. You may grateful when someone said your post is awesome and he then repost it on his own blog. But you know what, when he did that, your post and his are considered as copied content by duplication detector software.
Fasilitator Self Publishing yang Layak Dijajal
Yang menyakitkan dalam dunia penulisan bukanlah ditolak penerbit. Namun diterima, tetapi kemudian dikerjai soal royalti atau hak-hak penulis lainnya. Penerbit yang tidak transparan ini biasanya penerbit kecil. Maka saran terbaik saya, bidiklah penerbit besar saja, atau setidaknya penerbit menengah.