Blog Routinely with Schedule

A lot of people have blogs. Maybe you do too. However, some of them then have lost their patient to update it. Why? What is the solution? How to blog routinely with passion? Well, I don’t know the reasons why some bloggers became less enthusiastic with this platform, or why a blogger became the ex …

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Back Up Your Manuscript Online

Imagine this. You’ve been working hard to write a novel. Then one day, your computer’s hard drive is broken. You can do nothing. Files are all there! Brief, your manuscript is gone. Your deadline is messed. Have you ever experienced such “tragedy”? I have once. So, I share this message: making a back up is …

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Content is The King

Content is The King

Di livetweet Rahasia Sunyi beberapa hari lalu, ada pertanyaan dari @naui_sesang_ tentang kendala-kendala copywriting. Mungkin OOT, tetapi pertanyaannya menarik juga. Kita tahu, di era industri dan digital ini, penulis memang seharusnya tidak hanya berkutat pada novel atau skenario film. Mereka juga bisa menulis teks-teks untuk mendukung marketing, penjualan, atau promosi.

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