Tahukah Anda, mulanya, Warung Fiksi (Wufi) hanyalah gerakan menulis bersama yang berangkat dari keprihatinan terhadap miskinnya perbendaharaan tema karya fiksi di Indonesia. Sulit dimungkiri, novel, film, dan sinetron Indonesia didominasi oleh tema yang itu-itu saja. Sampai sekarang pun rasanya masih seperti itu.
Guest Author
Revival of Queen Leyak
- Genre: Thriller, mystery, supernatural, romance
- Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
- Mode: Single-player visual novel / game on PC
- Duration: 20 hours of gameplay (at average reading speed)
- Language: English
- Developer: BnK Team
- Publisher: DEVGRU-P
- Producers: Dhaeza, Dian Ageng
- Director: Dhaeza
- Writer: Brahmanto Anindito
- Editor: Darr Kadlubowski
- Background Artist: Antares69 (Vicky Bawangun)
- Sprite Artists: Judo Lookingheart, Villyane (Dewi Ang)
- Computer Graphic: Villyane (Dewi Ang)
- Music Composer: Days of Glaze (Ricky Cahyadi)
- Programmer: Rendy Rakean
- Release Date: March 2017 on Steam
The story of Revival of Queen Leyak (RoQL) is set in Bali, an exotic island where technology, tradition, and supernatural all lurk under the guise of a modern paradise. You’ll be Tetsuo Kobayashi in this visual novel. You’ll stumble upon an ancient curse and must race againts time to hunt for the Queen Leyak’s Necronomicon.
The Last Three Hostages
- Title: Tiga Sandera Terakhir (a novel)
- Subtitle: Terinspirasi dari konflik berdarah di timur Indonesia
- Genre: Military thriller
- Language: Indonesian
- ISBN: 978-602-0989-47-1
- Author: Brahmanto Anindito
- Editor: Hermawan Aksan & Miranda Harlan
- Format: Paperback
- Dimension: 14 cm x 21 cm
- Thick: 309 + xiv pages
- Weight: 280 g
- Publisher: Noura Books 2015
Indonesia is in tumult due to a brutal hostage-taking. Five tourists from France, Indonesia and Australia are captured. As it occurs in Papua, the forefingers suddenly point to OPM, a militant organization of West Papua liberation. But surprisingly, OPM denies that. They say, “It’s not us! Taking of hostages won’t bring any good for OPM’s image. Why would we do that?”
Masohi: The Beauty of Maluku
“In Indonesia, the east side sparkles brighter.” When my sister told me that, I did not buy it. Not at all! I needed more than five years to see it with my own eyes. That was when I visited Masohi, Ambon, Maluku Province, to take a break from a while from writing activities.
Simpang Lima Gumul, the Real Paris of Java
About 15,000 kilometers away from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, I had the opportunity to encounter its Indonesian “twin.” This remarkable structure stands proudly at a five-way intersection, serving as a gateway to Pare, Kediri City, Plosoklaten, Wates (Pesantren), and Menang. They refer to it as Simpang Lima Gumul, located in Ngasem Subdistrict, just a half-hour land trip from Kampung Inggris in Pare.
The Charm of Pantai Klayar
White sand. Clear water. Exotic rocks. Beautiful lagoon. This is the most gorgeous beach I have visited so far. Klayar Beach or Pantai Klayar! It is located at Donorojo District, East Java Province, about 60 minutes or 35 km west toward Pacitan City. Since it is quite secluded and not familiar to many people, you can find a peace of mind while enjoying the beach.