Dahulu, sewaktu masih balita, mungkin Anda pernah rewel karena kaki terasa sakit. Padahal Anda tidak mengalami keletihan, terluka, atau cedera sama sekali. Atau, saat itu gusi Anda merasa ngilu ketika gigi mulai tumbuh. Bahkan saat dewasa, ketika muncul gigi geraham terakhir, Anda mengalami kesakitan sekali lagi.
personal life
Ileisme: Kata Ganti Orang Pertama ala Tarzan
“Chika mau makan, nih,” kata Chika. Menyebut nama sendiri ketika berdialog atau ileisme. Pernahkah Anda menemukan gaya bicara ala Tarzan semacam ini?
How to Choose the Book when You Have No Plan
Look at the books in a bookstore or library shelves sometimes make us confusing. All seem more interesting than others. Unless you hold a book list since the beginning, how do you choose the book spontaneously?
Be Famous First or Just Write?
There are always good options for the famous. As a well-known person, you could overcome many writer’s problems in no time, such as promotion or marketing stuffs. Not to mention your money, you surely had influence to magnetize people into your books, whether it is your own crafting or by a ghostwriter.
The Strongest Reason to Write
One always has a reason behind thing she does. So do the writers when write. I myself write simply because I want to write. That’s all. You may say, it’s a shallow reason. But I think otherwise. Let me use the love analog. If a woman ask her man, “Why do you love me?”, and he reply, “Because you’re gorgeous, rich, smart,” do you believe that’s a good answer?