Sparkling Surabaya: A Branding Journey

A parade starts from Grahadi building

Throughout this May, a shopping party entitled The 2011 Surabaya Shopping Festival (SSF) is being held. The massive discounts for food, electronic, fashion products and so on are scattered over 18 malls. Want to enjoy it, please do. Today is the last day. Want to be upset, go ahead.

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Indonesian Author of Fiction

Fiction Author
Big thanks to internet, writers today are connected each other and with their readers. Not merely via social media which requires us to be member, they do blog or have a website. So others can easily contact him/her, to interview, to discuss about certain passion, to give feedback about the works, or simply to embrace him/her. These links will lead you to Indonesian fiction author’s blogs or websites you might want to know. Mostly, they are in Indonesian.

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Masa Depan Industri Kreatif di Indonesia

Masa Depan Industri Kreatif di Indonesia

Peradaban selalu berkembang melalui tahapan-tahapan. Pada awalnya, manusia hidup di zaman Bercocok Tanam. Setelah terjadi Revolusi Industri yang dipantik dari penemuan mesin uap, segera kita mengalami Zaman Industri. Kemudian, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, kita dengan bangga mengklaim hidup di Zaman Informasi.

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