Characterization. Portrayal of fictional characters. That is one of the most important parts in fiction writing. All writers can create characters. But not all of them can create characters who will spawn emotion within the readers.
Simple Idea Yet Unexpected
Tiap buku yang baik, baik fiksi maupun nonfiksi, selalu punya satu ide yang sederhana, mudah dipahami, tetapi tak terduga. Pembaca akan mengingat terus ide itu.
Mind Mapping untuk Penulisan Fiksi
Setiap akan menulis novel atau melakukan pekerjaan panjang apapun, saya terbiasa memulai dengan kerangka konsep, terutama mind mapping (pemetaan pemikiran). Sebagian orang berpendapat, ini membuang-buang waktu, membatasi kreativitas, old school, malah membuat pekerjaan buntu.
What You Choose in Writing: Easy or Tricky Way?
Some say, writing is easy, some say is not. Basically, writing is get the ideas or feelings into written. If that is the definition, I’m sure everyone can write. But, writing can be more complex than that. The second definition of writing, let’s say, is the activity which involve feeling and thinking at once, the …
How to Write for Teenagers
The teenager is a broad market pie. It’s worth to fight for. But they are tough audience. To write a story for teenagers, you have to be an expert not only in writing, but also in teen culture. This is how to do: It’s not a compulsory, but it would be good if your main …
6 Things Before You Write a Fiction
Because of its nature, pretty lot of people say that writing a fiction is piece of cake. Go ahead, daydream, write it down, and you’ll get a masterpiece! Gosh, I wish it could be that easy. The fact is, writing a fiction is often harder than a non fiction. It’s a left and right brain’s job at once. What makes it harder? You have to: