Mari Bicara tentang Intelijen


When you write a thriller, creating an intelligence-typical person is quiet unavoidable. The thriller protagonist is able to predict potential felony. So is the intelligence in real world. Intelligence is the product of evaluated information, valued for its currency and relevance, rather than its detail or accuracy. The term “intelligence” refers also to information gatherer, whether is human (agent) or organization (CIA, FSB, M16, Mossad, BIN, AIO, or private intel organization as well). Nowadays, intelligence activities are not merely for war interest or killing someone subversive. For instance, there are business intelligence, relationship intelligence, heritage intelligence (even no rivalry here), etc. Brief, motivation behind every intelligence actions is to prevent the bad or ensure the good happens.

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Serba Pertama di Ranah Novel

By: Ihsan Maulana

Banyak novel bermunculan di segenap pelosok dunia selama berabad-abad. Novel bukan barang asing saat ini. Keberadaannya pun merupakan bagian dari peradaban manusia itu sendiri. Tapi tak ada salahnya dong kalau kita mencoba menyegarkan ingatan, novel-novel apa saja sih yang dianggap sebagai Yang Pertama?

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Government in Indonesia

These links will bring you to the Indonesian governmental websites. All of those are in English, or bilingual at least.

BI (Bank Indonesia)
BI or Central Bank of Republic of Indonesia’s official website, includes information on policy, regulation, economic statistics and exchange rates.

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Content Provider

This is list of the content providers operating in Indonesian. Some of them accept the content writers for this business.

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Fiksi sebagai Alat Revolusi

By: Brahmanto Anindito

Di siang yang cerah, kami mendapat pertanyaan menarik dari seorang pembaca Wufi (terima kasih, Nurul). Kalau tak salah tangkap, pertanyaannya begitu filosofis dan mendasar. Kata Nurul, “Saya hanya dan sempat terpikir, apa sumbangsih karya fiksi terhadap perubahan masyarakat (tentu saja ke arah yang lebih baik, ato revolusi)?” Alamaaaak, habis liburan disodori pertanyaan begini ….

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