Be Creative with Tobucil and Klabs

Be Creative with Tobucil & Klabs

When you are in Bandung City, don’t hesitate to knock on Tobucil & Klabs’ door. Physically, it is a mini-bookstore. But it also sells the handmade creations like accessories, knitting yarn, tools for knitting or crocheting, block notes, et cetera. There are a lot of cultural activities too.

Just drop by! Tobucil wants the visitor feels like home. It doesn’t require certain appearance, race, religion, region, economic status, or education. You only need to be creative and open-minded.

Activities in Tobucil & Klabs

Brahmanto Anindito (Warung Fiksi's founder in gold suit) finally met Tarlen Handayani (Tobucil & Klabs' founder), in Bonn, Germany. Yes, at the back is former President B.J. Habibie.
Brahmanto Anindito (Warung Fiksi’s founder, in gold suit) finally met Tarlen Handayani (Tobucil & Klabs’ founder), in Bonn, Germany. Yes, at the back is former President B.J. Habibie.

Although the name is Tobucil (acronym of “toko buku kecil” or mini bookstore), it is not that mini. Tobucil is just like John Mayer said, “Bigger than my body.” Yes, Tobucil is bigger than its body.

Located (formerly) at 56th Aceh Street, Bandung, Tobucil & Klabs was founded in May 2nd, 2001 by Tarlen Handayani, to develop the local literacy: reading, writing, appreciating literatures, and doing hobby. There, you also can do your own projects. Even just sitting and enjoying the Aroma Coffee, a very popular coffee in Bandung.

Of course, Tobucil has certain schedule itself. For instance:

  • Monday: experiment writing club
  • Wednesday: Madrasah Falsafah (a philosophy course)
  • Thursday in 2nd and 4th week: comic club.
  • Friday: creative writing club day for children
  • Saturday: knitting and crocheting club, and cinema club
  • Sunday: classic club.

Interesting, huh?

Tobucil & Klabs Crafty Days

Last week, there was Crafty Days. This is one of Tobucil’s annually events. The theme of the year is Toys Are Us. Anyone can sell their creation, buy, or merely follow the free workshop like I do. I participated in three workshops there.

First, pompom workshop. Pompom is a kind of doll made by yarn. The first pompom I saw is Mogu. It is formed as animal with many hands and one or two strange form of his eye. It’s like an octopus. If you want to make it, you can use pompom set or paper. Then, you cut the yarn in the middle and bend it.

Before following this workshop, I had learnt crochet. It did not work because I am so impatient. The result is messy and I didn’t know what I was going to make with hakpen (a tool to crochet). After that, I followed origami workshop. It’s easy like making pompom.

Beside following the free courses, I have also visited every bazaar stands. It’s about six or more stands. Brief, I was so surprised there’s a joy at small yard of Tobucil and Klabs.

Unfortunately, I could not attend the program until the end. It was 14.30 and I had to catch 15.30 train. So bye-bye, Tobucil & Klabs. Bye-bye, Crafty Days. Hope I can participate in next Crafty Days. I don’t know when. But all the information will be displayed on Tobucil’s social media.

Then, it was raining. I wondered, could this rain stop the happiness and creativity at Tobucil? Nah, I believe whoever joined Tobucil and Klabs is smart, creative, and cheerful. They can change the rain into rainbow.

Tobucil & Klabs

  • Address: Jalan Panaitan no. 18, Kebun Pisang, Kecamatan Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40112 (Google Maps)
  • Telephone: +6281 214 227 499
  • Operational: Monday-Friday 9.00-17.00
  • photo by Andri Haryanto,

10 thoughts on “Be Creative with Tobucil and Klabs”

  1. Bisa, Brahm. Di Tobucil pernah kok ada launching novel. Urusan gratis atau nggak, coba aja tanya sendiri sama mereka. Mau launching novel di sini?

  2. Iya, iya. Beresin dulu deh semuanya. Jd nanti tinggal dilengkapi. Kalo bisa, tentukan tanggalnya. Biar aku tau deskripsinya kayak gimana.

  3. Lucunya waktu saya ke Bandung trus nanya ama anak2 kampus mereka pada ga tau tuh. Padahal via internet banyak banget yang bahas. Selain mau cari buku, saya juga penasaran ama muda-mudi bandung dalam mengolah komunitas mereka. Pasti bakal seru klo diceritain buat kawan-kawan di jogja. Tapi, ternyata pada ga tau… hik..hik..hik

  4. @susong
    Macem2. ada klab merajut, merenda, nulis, musik klasik, komik, banyak deh. siapa aja boleh ikut. coba deh buka blog-nya.

    sodaranya john lennon ya?
    Wah, masa sih pada nggak tau tobucil? tp emang, temen2ku jg banyak yg nggak tau. biasanya sih yg kayak gitu yg nggak gaul hehehe. nanti kalo ke bandung lg, cari aja di jalan aceh. tobucil emang mungil, tp pasti nanti ketemu kok.


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