About one kilometer to western Bangkalan City, East Java Province, a food stall stands on the edge of the shore. It is called Madurasa. This stall is located near the mangrove forest spread out along the west side of Madura Island. Following the instinct to eat, Warung Fiksi visited the food stall. Soon, the ambiance of mountain range and shore welcomed us.
Ihsan Maulana
Artificial Lake, Leisure Center in Bangkalan
If you, by any chance, go to Madura, visit TRK or Taman Rekreasi Kota (City Recreation Park) Bangkalan. The location is in center of the regency, one hundred meters to the east of Raya Stadion Bangkalan street. Had been built since 1999, the TRK Bangkalan was an idle state land. At the moment, Mr. Head Regency Officer had initiative to create a pleasing place for his folk.
Tenderness of Young Goat’s Meat
At Sepanjang street, Sidoarjo, you may possibly bump into this view: a pushcart display of a goat meat. The goat is about still intact, fresh, and small (that means it is still young). Sweet-scented smoke that signifies a grill emerges. You’re quite monk if you don’t drool in seconds. Warung Sate Barongan Pak Uniq (Mr. Uniq’s Barongan Brochettes Stall), that’s the name of this stand, open from noon until night.
Kawasan Bodri Surabaya: Yang Antik Yang Dicari
Anda mengagumi benda-benda kuno bernilai seni? Jalan Bodri Surabaya mungkin bisa jadi alternatif perburuan Anda. Jalan yang tidak terlalu panjang yang terletak di sebelah barat Gelora Pancasila, bersebelahan dengan Jalan Indragiri. Di Jalan Bodri, Anda akan mendapati deretan pedagang barang antik berjajar rapi.
Adorn Your Garden with These Monkeys
At first glance, what did you see in picture beside? A line of monkeys, maybe. But these are not real monkeys. These are sort of plants from Sumatra, which has a body texture like monkey’s fur. That’s why we call it Monkey Fur (or Bulu Monyet in Indonesian). Actually, it’s more like orangutan.