Grojogan Sewu Waterfall

A stream near Grojogan Sewu

Let’s take another trip to some waterfall. This time, it is a cluster of waterfalls located in the slope of Mount Lawu, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency, around 27 kilometers east of Karanganyar City, Central Java Province. The waterfall is part of the Grojogan Sewu National Park. A mix of tourism forest and waterfall, it is a 20 acres forest managed by Natural Resources Conservation Board (KSDA) of Bogor.

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Breaking News: Livetweet Rahasia Sunyi

Rahasia Sunyi

Novel thriller Rahasia Sunyi telah terbit. Rasanya, karya Brahmanto Anindito ini juga sudah didistribusikan ke toko-toko buku besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Google Play Store. Rahasia Sunyi adalah novel berlatar Kerinci, Provinsi Jambi. Masih dengan gaya penuturan yang mengalir, renyah, dalam cerita yang menegangkan.

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